Personas for AR History App

Personas for AR History App


Creating Personas

My team and I had several questions to consider before we transitioned out of Inspiration and into Ideation: 

  1. Did we feel we had all the information we needed about our users to make the transition?
  2. Was there anything missing? And if so, how would we gather this information?
  3. What barriers might our Personas encounter that may take them out of our flow and require us to find new ways to re-engage them?

From these questions, we discovered that our personas' general desire was to engage in a unique and engaging experience that could be shared with others. Potential pain points in the user journey included time constraints, language, and social capabilities.

  • Time constraints: Luke Rockwell and Michelle Price have children who easily lose interest. In contrast, Andrew Harris and Jackie Smith are more flexible. Having a range of timed experiences is a great solution to consider. 
  • Language: Effective communication with non-native English speakers should be considered. Specifically, in the app’s onboarding and the script of each experience.
    • Perhaps, the first step in creating an account is the option to select a language.
    • Also, Does our script translate appropriately? If not, users may become offended.  
  • Social: The user can initiate a group experience. When touring with others, the option to add members must be present before the tour starts. Also, social capabilities should be easy to access and dismiss as not to take away from the immersion of an experience.

With these new findings, we moved into Ideation. 

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Project Background

In 2018, the city of Chicago had an unprecedented 57.6 million visitors. With its history dating back to 1833, the city has given birth and welcomed notable people in business, music, sports, and continues to evolve with the changing landscape of America.

As more and more people are looking for ways to explore, connect, and learn about the cities they’re in, there is a need for fun and low-cost ways to enable discovery and education through personal mobile devices.

The Chicago HistoARy app was designed as an innovative experience to entertain and educate users about Chicago’s rich history. We focused on a mobile product that enables users to have an immersive, location-aware experience with content that enhances self-exploration based around the time of the Chicago Fire in 1871.

The location-based app will help users experience a virtual tour through augmented reality.